
Richard A. Di Dio, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Mathematics and Computer Science Department
Integrated Science, Business, & Technology Program
La Salle University
1900 W. Olney Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19141
215.951.1792 | 215.951.1132 (fax) | ude.ellasal|oidid#ude.ellasal|oidid

Visit FractaLog.com - the official blogsite of HON 462: Chaos and Fractals - for "Chaotic musings about the fractal-like intersection of mathematics, science, art, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion and culture."

Breaking News…

  • MTH 150 Test 2 on Wednesday, 11/28/2007
  • MTH 150 Final Exam on Monday, 12/10/2007 at 2PM.

Fall 2007 Teaching

  • Office Hours: MW 1-2 PM + by appt.

Summer 2007 Teaching

Spring 2007 Teaching

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